Essential Korean for Vegans and Vegetarians

Communication is an important tool in life. 🗣️ Particularly for vegans, vegetarians or other people with dietary restrictions. If you travel to Korea, you cannot expect people to understand English or other foreign languages. 🚫🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺 A small portion of Koreans understands English, but those are mostly young people. The average restaurant staff or part-time jobber... Continue Reading →

What the name on the food label says

When doing grocery shopping in Korea, did you ever wonder why the "names" for food on the price tag are sometimes rather long? 🤔 You may also notice that some names deviate from what's on these lists: Korean names for vegetables, fruits, nuts, seaweed, mushrooms, cereals and beans. If you find that confusing, you can... Continue Reading →

Learning Korean: Update on language-related posts

It can't be stressed often enough how important language is. In general and in particular. If you are concerned about food, for instance, knowing at least how to read Korean makes you more independent from electronic, internet-based devices (e.g. unreliable translation apps, asking friends or random people on Facebook for help). At the same time,... Continue Reading →

Compilation of mushrooms and seaweed in Korean

By now, we have touched upon the vast diversity of plant-based foods like vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts. 🗒🌱 You may have learned enough Korean to identify the most common animal-based ingredients as well. 🗒🐮 So what's left? Well, a LOT! 😉 For example, there are hundreds of fungi and many kinds of seaweed (aka... Continue Reading →

The longest list of fruits in Korean

Did you learn how to say the names of common vegetables in Korean, yet? Or are you more fond of fruit? A fruitarian, perhaps? 🍓😋❤️ Then knowing the names of fruits is essential for survival. [Additionally, you might want to learn Korean names of seeds, e.g. cereals and beans or nuts. Or if you don't... Continue Reading →

The most extensive list of vegetables in Korean

You may know already how to read and spell animal-based ingredients in Korean, so how about studying plant-based foods now? Here's essential Korean vocabulary regarding vegetables! 👇 [Don't like veggies?! 😱 IMPOSSIBLE! But how about fruits? Or cereals, beans, mushrooms, seaweed, nuts or seasonings?] Btw, if you don't know how to read Korean yet, here's... Continue Reading →

Language of food

For learners of 🇰🇷Korean language🇰🇵, Korean foodies interested in improving their 🇬🇧English skills🇺🇸 or anyone fascinated by 🥢food culture🍴, I've decided to add another page to this website: Korean Language of Food. Language as well as food, both are expressions of a country's culture. Hence, by getting to know this aspect of Korean culture, it... Continue Reading →

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