What the name on the food label says

When doing grocery shopping in Korea, did you ever wonder why the "names" for food on the price tag are sometimes rather long? 🤔 You may also notice that some names deviate from what's on these lists: Korean names for vegetables, fruits, nuts, seaweed, mushrooms, cereals and beans. If you find that confusing, you can... Continue Reading →

The most extensive list of vegetables in Korean

You may know already how to read and spell animal-based ingredients in Korean, so how about studying plant-based foods now? Here's essential Korean vocabulary regarding vegetables! 👇 [Don't like veggies?! 😱 IMPOSSIBLE! But how about fruits? Or cereals, beans, mushrooms, seaweed, nuts or seasonings?] Btw, if you don't know how to read Korean yet, here's... Continue Reading →

Seasonal treat: Spring greens 봄나물

🐦Birds are singing.🕊 🌸Flowers are blooming.🌼🦋Insects are buzzing around.🐝 🌱New leaves are sprouting on plants.🌿 Everything is basically yelling: 🌤 SPRING IS HERE!!!! 🌷 Young plants of edible mugwort (ssuk 쑥). How else can you tell? 🤤Fresh spring greens (bom-namul 봄나물) are back!!💚 Traditional Korean food is characterized by turning seasonal and local ingredients into... Continue Reading →

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