The Unwritten Rules of Foraging in Korea

It's one of the oldest methods of getting food: Foraging. To forage means to search for food in nature. It is looking for food in the wilderness or similar uncultivated areas, i.e. somewhere the plants have not been intentionally planted or are being farmed by humans. 🚜 It used to be the daily life of... Continue Reading →

Winter is Strawberry Season 딸기

Above title is a common statement made by Korean children these days. ❄️🍓 Fresh strawberries appear in stores and on food markets at least in December, and they start to disappear again in March. In winter, many cafes update their seasonal menu to include strawberries, along with Christmas-themed options. If you live in contemporary South... Continue Reading →

Pumpkin, sweetie, cutie-pie 호박

Did you eat your share of pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice latte last fall? 🥧🎃☕️ If it's not pumpkins, what in your opinion is a better symbol for fall?* In Korea, however, pumpkins are available all year round, regardless of the meteorological time! So this post is dedicated to Korea's sweet pumpkin [literally!] and other... Continue Reading →

Korea’s Cosmos of Corn 옥수수

Is corn a grain? 🌽🌾 Is corn a vegetable? 🌽🥬 Is corn a fruit? 🌽🍌 After reading this article, you might end up confused! But hopefully more clever! At least this is clear:Corn is cool. 🆒🌽 Why? Because all over the world, corn is used in a multitude of ways, ranging from being a major... Continue Reading →

Midwinter’s food is vegan: Patjuk 팥죽

It's tiiiiiime!!!! It's THE time of the year again! What time? Christmas time?🎄 Right, Christmas is coming up. ✝️ And so is Hanukkah. 🕎 But before that, we have another important event: Winter Solstice! Now, what is that? Winter solstice is the day that has the longest night of the year. ☃️🌠❄️ And what makes... Continue Reading →

Pink and Green: Tomatoes in Korea 토마토

🍅 "I like tomato, you like tomahto... 🎶 🥔 I like potato, you like potahto." 🎵 Or was it the other way around? 🍅🤔🥔 Who decides what's correct and what is not when it comes to tomatoes and potatoes, anyways. Despite pronunciation,* there are also disputes regarding the classification of these two food items. Is... Continue Reading →

Summer’s specialty: Kong-guksu 콩국수

🌡 Temperatures are rising, people are beginning to sweat in an instant. 💦 Strong indicators of summer having arrived. ☀️ Du-dung du-dung…. *dramatic music* Run for your lives!!! As long as you can… 😱Or enjoy the return of Korea's summer delicacies (yeoreum byeolmi 여름 별미)! ☀️🤤🍧 One of these is Kong-guksu (콩국수) - long noodles... Continue Reading →

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